Laboratory of Electrodynamics and Microwave Electronics
The Laboratory of Electrodynamics and Microwave Electronics was organized in 1991. The head of the laboratory is Doctor of Engineering Sciences, the Honored Inventor of Russia, Prof. Boris Belyaev.
The main directions of the Laboratory activity are investigations of principles of electromagnetic waves propagation in complex inhomogeneous structures and photonic crystals; development and fabrication of various microwave devices. The Laboratory research team is a recognized leader in design of such significant elements of communication and radar systems as frequency selective devices. Scientists and engineers of the Laboratory have developed the expert system Filtex32 for computer-aided design of band- pass filters in the frequency range 0.02…20GHz with the fractional band width 1…100%. The automatized coordinatographs for making patterns of strip conductors created in the Laboratory allow excluding photolithography from the production technology; they have been introduced and currently successfully work at enterprises of Moscow, Kursk, Krasnoyarsk and Tomsk.
Special attention is being paid to the development of high frequency sensors sensitive to weak magnetic fields, as well as to dielectric and magnetic susceptibilities of materials that make possible to measure dielectric spectra of liquid crystals on microwave frequencies in electric and magnetic fields, moisture and content of small salt concentrations in mineral oil, fat and protein content in milk.
To study magnetic inhomogeneities in thin magnetic films the automatized scanning spectrometer of ferromagnetic resonance has been designed. The spectrometer has a sensor based on a microstrip resonator with an aperture that determines the measurement locality. The set of plug-in sensors overlaps the frequency region 0.1…6.0 GHz. The spectrometer allows measuring inhomogeneities of effective saturation magnetization, of uniaxial and unidirectional anisotropy value and orientation, of coercivity and ferromagnetic resonance line width.
The researchers of the Laboratory design and fabricate high frequency generators of ozone from atmospheric air that are used for disinfection and deodorization of drinking water, elimination of vapors of toxic substances, in medicine and agriculture. Jointly with the Tomsk State University, the scientific studies of ozone influence on biological objects are being carried out.
Main fields of interests are:
- experimental and theoretical study of propagation the electromagnetic waves in complex microstrip structures;
- design of frequency-selective devices: filters, amplitude and phase correctors of high performance at UHF range, developing of special software for analysis and synthesis of such devices;
- design of microstrip sensors for investigating thin magnetic films, liquids, liquid and solid crystals and ceramics in the meter, decimeter and centimeter wavelength bands.
Basic Research of Microwave laboratory is concerned to experimental and theoretical study of propagation the electromagnetic waves in complex microstrip structures. On the base of optimized microstrip structures frequency-selective devices are designed: various filters, amplitude and phase correctors of top (utmost high) performance, software's are developed for analysis and synthesis these devices. For this purpose systematic investigations, aimed to reveal regularities in influence of designing parameters on device performance, are carried out. In particular, the influence of designing parameters on a steepness of the slopes of frequency response is studied as for known designs of microstrip filters, so for original ones. For illustration several constructions of the filters and their frequency responses are represented in the Figures.
Besides, in the laboratory specialized microstrip sensors are designed for investigating liquids and solid materials in the meter, decimeter and centimeter wavelength bands. An automated instrumentation is created for investigation magnetic inhomogeneities in thin magnetic films, frequency dispersion of permittivity of liquids, including liquid crystals and bio-polymers.
The most significant scientific achievements have been reported in the following works:
- Belyaev B.A., Izotov A.D., Leksikov A.A. Local spectrometer of ferromagnetic resonance and magnetic imaging in thin magnetic films. // IEEE, Sensors. Vol.5, No. 2, 2005, pp. 260-267.
- Belyaev B.A., Voloshin A.S., Shabanov V.Ph. Study of microstrip models of band-pass filters based on unidimensional photonic crystals.//DAN, v.400, №2, 2005, pp.181-185.
- Belyaev B.A., Voloshin A.S., Shabanov V.Ph. Study of the impurity mode resonance Q-factor in the microstrip model of the unidimensional photonic crystal.//DAN, v.403, №3, 2005, pp.319-324.