Gokhfeld Denis Mikhailovich
- Last name: Gokhfeld
- First name: Denis
- Middle name: Mikhailovich
- Birth date: July 13, 1977
- Address: L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SD RAS, 660036, Russia
- Phone: 7 (3912) 494838
- Fax: 7 (3912) 438923
- E-mail: E-mail: gokhfeld@iph.krasn.ru
- Education:
- 1994-2000 - Aerospace department of M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk
- 2004 - Ph.D., L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SD RAS, Krasnoyarsk. PhD Thesis "The physical processes forming current-voltage characteristics of the high-temperature superconductors with the metal conductivity of intercrystalline boundaries".
- Professional experience
- 1996-2003 Investigation of the transport properties of polycrystalline high temperature superconductors and composites based on its - junior researcher, laboratory of High magnetic fields, L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics
- 2002-2003 Work as research assistant to Professor Reiner Kuemmel in Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics of the Wuerzburg University, Wuerzburg, Germany
- since 2004 Investigation of the transport and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductor system - researcher, laboratory of High magnetic fields, L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics
- Scientific interests:
- High temperature superconductivity, transport and magnetic properties of heterogeneous superconductors
- Main publications:
- Petrov M.I., Balaev D.A., Gohfeld D.M., Ospishchev S.V., Shaihutdinov K.A., Aleksandrov K.S. Applicability of the theory based on Andreev reflection to the description of experimental current-voltage characteristics of polycrystalline HTSC + normal metal composites // Physica C. - 1999. - V. 314. - P. 51-54.
- Shaihutdinov K.A., Balaev D.A., Gokhfeld D.M., Popkov S.I., Petrov M.I. Transport properties of HTSC-based composites: modeling the random networks of Josephson weak links with magneto-active barriers // J. Low Temp. Phys. - 2003. - V. 130. - ¹ 3/4. - P. 347-381.
- Petrov M.I., Gokhfeld D.M., Balaev D.A., Shaihutdinov K.A., Kuemmel R. Andreev reflections and experimental current-voltage characteristics of break junctions of polycrystalline HTSC // Physica C. - 2004. - V. 408-410. - P. 620-622.
- Gokhfeld D.M., Balaev D.A., Popkov S.I., Shaykhutdinov K.A., Petrov M.I. Magnetization loop and critical current of porous Bi-based HTS // Physica C. – 2006. – V. 434. - ¹ 2. – P. 135-137.
- Shaykhutdinov K.A., Balaev D.A., Gokhfeld D.M., Kuzmin Yu.I., Popkov S.I., Petrov M.I. Study of current–voltage characteristics of Bi-based high-temperature superconductors with fractal cluster structure // Physica C. – 2006. – V. 435. - ¹ 1-2. – P. 19-22.
- Gokhfeld D.M. Description of hysteretic current–voltage characteristics of superconductor–normal metal–superconductor junctions // Supercond. Sci. Technol. – 2007. – V. 20. – P. 62 -66.
- Petrov M.I., Balaev D.A., Gokhfeld D.M. Andreev Reflection and Experimental Temperature Dependences of the Critical Current in Heterogeneous High-Temperature Superconductors (Polycrystals and Related Composites) // Phys. Solid State. - 2007. – Ò. 49. – P. 619-626.
- Gokhfeld D.M. Computation of current–voltage characteristics of the SNS junctions // Physica C. – 2007. – V. 460-462. - ¹ 2. – P. 807-808.
- Gokhfeld D.M., Balaev D.A., Shaykhutdinov K.A., Popkov S.I., Petrov M.I. Current - voltage characteristics of break junctions of high-Tc superconductors // Physica C. – 2007, cond-mat/0704.0694, 9 p., 2007.
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