Ignatchenko Valter Alekseevich
- Surname: Ignatchenko
- First name: Valter
- Middle name: Alekseevich
- Birth date: 28.02.1931
- Address: Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
- Phone: 7 (391) 2494506
- Fax: 7 (391) 2438923
- E-mail: vignatch@iph.krasn.ru
- Education:
- 1970 - Professor, L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics (KIPh)
- 1969 - Doctor of Science (Physics), KIPh
- 1962 - Candidate of Science (Physics), KIPh
- 1957 - Graduated from Odessa State University
- Carreer/Employment:
- Principal Scientist, KIPh, 2003 - present
- Head of the Theoretical Division/ Head of the Theoretical Physics Lab., KIPh, 1963 - 2003
- Reseach Scientist, KIPh, 1958 - 1963
- Senior Laborant, KIPh, 1957 - 1958
- Specialization
- Main field: Condensed Matter Theory
- Other fields: Magnetic Structures, Magnetic Resonances
- Current research interest: Waves in Inhomogeneous Media
- Honours, Awords:
- Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation
- Participation at scientific councils and societies
- Section “Magnetism” of the Scientific Council of the RAS on the Condensed Matter Physics.
- Scientific Council of the KIPh..
- Dissertation Council of the KIPh on the Condenced Matter Physics and Physics of the Magnetic Phenomena (Vice-Charman).
- Dissertation Council of the KIPh on the Optics, Radiophysics, and Equipments and Methods of Experimental Physics.
- Recent selected publications
- V.A. Ignatchenko and D.S. Polukhin. Effects of cross correlations between inhomogeneities of the parameters of an isotropic medium on the spectrum and damping of elastic waves. ZhETF 137, 390 (2010) [JETP 110 (2), 345 (2010)].
- V.A. Ignatchenko, I.S. Edelman, and D.A. Petrov. Magnetostatic fields in planar assemblies of magnetic nanoparticles. Phys. Rev. B 81, 054419 (2010).
- V.A. Ignatchenko, Yu.I. Mankov and D.S. Tsikalov: High-frequency susceptibility of a superlattice with 2D inhomogeneities. Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 134 (2008) 706.
- V.A. Ignatchenko and O.N. Laletin. Magnetoelastic ground state and waves in ferromagnet–nonmagnetic dielectric multilayer structure. Phys. Rev. B 76, 104419 (2007).
- V.A. Ignatchenko and Yu.I. Mankov. Partial restoration of the wave spectrum of a superlattice due to cross correlations between one- and three-dimensional inhomogeneities. Phys. Rev. B 75, 235422 (2007).
- V.A. Ignatchenko and V.A. Felk. Effects of long-wave in inhomogeneities of the exchange and elastic force constants in the framework of the coherent potential approximation. Phys. Rev. B 74, 174415 (2006).
- V.A. Ignatchenko and Yu.I. Mankov. Effects of cross correlations between 1D and 3D inhomogeneities on the high-frequency susceptibility of superlattice. ZhETF 129 (4), 710 (2006) [JETP 102 (4), 625 (2006)].
- V.A. Ignatchenko and V.A. Felk. Exchange narrowing of magnetic resonance linewidths in inhomogeneous ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 71, 094417 (2005).
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