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Ignatchenko Valter Alekseevich


  1. Surname: Ignatchenko
  2. First name: Valter
  3. Middle name: Alekseevich
  4. Birth date: 28.02.1931
  5. Address: Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
  6. Phone: 7 (391) 2494506
  7. Fax: 7 (391) 2438923
  8. E-mail: vignatch@iph.krasn.ru
  9. Education:
  • 1970 - Professor, L. V. Kirensky Institute of Physics (KIPh)
  • 1969 - Doctor of Science (Physics), KIPh
  • 1962 - Candidate of Science (Physics), KIPh
  • 1957 - Graduated from Odessa State University
  1. Carreer/Employment:
  • Principal Scientist, KIPh, 2003 - present
  • Head of the Theoretical Division/ Head of the Theoretical Physics Lab., KIPh, 1963 - 2003
  • Reseach Scientist, KIPh, 1958 - 1963
  • Senior Laborant, KIPh, 1957 - 1958
  1. Specialization
  • Main field: Condensed Matter Theory
  • Other fields: Magnetic Structures, Magnetic Resonances
  • Current research interest: Waves in Inhomogeneous Media
  1. Honours, Awords:
  • Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation
  1. Participation at scientific councils and societies
  • Section “Magnetism” of the Scientific Council of the RAS on the Condensed Matter Physics.
  • Scientific Council of the KIPh..
  • Dissertation Council of the KIPh on the Condenced Matter Physics and Physics of the Magnetic Phenomena (Vice-Charman).
  • Dissertation Council of the KIPh on the Optics, Radiophysics, and Equipments and Methods of Experimental Physics.
  1. Recent selected publications
  1. V.A. Ignatchenko and D.S. Polukhin. Effects of cross correlations between inhomogeneities of the parameters of an isotropic medium on the spectrum and damping of elastic waves. ZhETF 137, 390 (2010) [JETP 110 (2), 345 (2010)].
  2. V.A. Ignatchenko, I.S. Edelman, and D.A. Petrov. Magnetostatic fields in planar assemblies of magnetic nanoparticles. Phys. Rev. B 81, 054419 (2010).
  3. V.A. Ignatchenko, Yu.I. Mankov and D.S. Tsikalov: High-frequency susceptibility of a superlattice with 2D inhomogeneities. Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 134 (2008) 706.
  4. V.A. Ignatchenko and O.N. Laletin. Magnetoelastic ground state and waves in ferromagnet–nonmagnetic dielectric multilayer structure. Phys. Rev. B 76, 104419 (2007).
  5. V.A. Ignatchenko and Yu.I. Mankov. Partial restoration of the wave spectrum of a superlattice due to cross correlations between one- and three-dimensional inhomogeneities. Phys. Rev. B 75, 235422 (2007).
  6. V.A. Ignatchenko and V.A. Felk. Effects of long-wave in inhomogeneities of the exchange and elastic force constants in the framework of the coherent potential approximation. Phys. Rev. B 74, 174415 (2006).
  7. V.A. Ignatchenko and Yu.I. Mankov. Effects of cross correlations between 1D and 3D inhomogeneities on the high-frequency susceptibility of superlattice. ZhETF 129 (4), 710 (2006) [JETP 102 (4), 625 (2006)].
  8. V.A. Ignatchenko and V.A. Felk. Exchange narrowing of magnetic resonance linewidths in inhomogeneous ferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 71, 094417 (2005).


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