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Velikanov Dmitrii Anatolievich

  1. Last name: Velikanov
  2. First name: Dmitrii
  3. Middle name: Anatolievich
  4. Birth date: February 10, 1961
  5. Address: L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics RAS, Akademgorodok, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  6. Phone: 007 (3912) 907108
  7. Fax: 007 (3912) 438923
  8. E-mail: pona@krovatka.su
  9. Education:
  1. Qualification:
    • Candidate of phys. & math. Sciences
    • Associate specializing in physics of magnetic phenomena
  2. Appointments:
  1. Scientific interests:
  • Experimental physics
  • Development & design of physical experiment technique
  • SQUID magnetometry
  • Physics of magnetic phenomena
  1. Selected publications:
    1. G.S. Patrin, D.A. Velikanov, and G.A. Petrakovskii. Study of photoinduced magnetism in FeBO3 crystals on a SQUID magnetometer. JETP, 76, 1, 128-137 (1993).
    2. G.S. Patrin, D.A. Velikanov, and G.A. Petrakovskii. Study of the temperature-dependent behavior of the photomagnetic effect in FeBO3 crystals using a SQUID magnetometer. Physics of the Solid State, 37, 4, 659-661 (1995).
    3. G.S. Patrin and D.A. Velikanov. SQUID studies of photoinduced magnetization in a g-Fe2O3:Zn single crystal. JETP Letters, 62, 2, 149-152 (1995).
    4. Petrakovskii G., Velikanov D., Vorotinov A., Balaev A., Sablina K., Amato A., Roessli B., Schefer J., Staub U. Weak ferromagnetism in CuB2O4 copper metaborate. JMMM, 205, 1, 105-109 (1999).
    5. G.A. Petrakovskii, L.I. Ryabinkina, N.I. Kiselev, D.A. Velikanov, and A.F. Bovina. Colossal magnetoresistance of FexMn1.xS magnetic semiconductors. JETP Letters, 69, 12, 949-953 (1999).
    6. M.L. Afanas'ev, A.D. Balaev, A.D. Vasil'ev, D.A. Velikanov, S.G. Ovchinnikov, G.A. Petrakovskii, and V.V. Rudenko. New Magnetically Ordered CoBO3 Crystal. JETP Letters, 74, 2, 82-83 (2001).
    7. G.S. Patrin, V.O. Vas'kovski, D.A. Velikanov, and A.V. Svalov. Influence of Magnetic Field on the Interlayer Interaction in (Co/Si/Gd/Si)n Films. JETP Letters, 75, 3, 159-161 (2002).
    8. G.A. Petrakovskii, A.I. Pankrats, M.A. Popov, A.D. Balaev, D.A. Velikanov, A.M. Vorotynov, K.A. Sablina, B. Roessli, J. Schefer, A. Amato, U. Staub, M. Boehm and B. Ouladdiaf. Magnetic properties of copper metaborate CuB2O4. Low Temperature Physics, 28, 8/9, 606-612 (2002).
    9. N.V. Volkov, G.S. Patrin, and D.A. Velikanov. A Multifunctional Microwave Gunn Oscillator for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Applications. Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 45, 2, 228-230 (2002).
    10. G.S. Patrin, V.O. Vas'kovskii, D.A. Velikanov, A.V. Svalov, and M.A. Panova. Spin-glass-like behavior of low field magnetisation in multilayer (Gd/Si/Co/Si)n films. Physics Letters A, 309, 1/2, 155—159 (2003).


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