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Articles 2006
1Aleksandrovsky A.S., Malakhovskii A.V., Zabluda V.N., Zaitsev A.I., Zamkov A.V. Optical and magneto-optical spectra of europium doped strontium tetraborate single crystalsJ. Phys. Chem. Solids. – 2006. – V. 67, ¹8, Ñ. 1908-1912.
2Aleksandrovsky A.S., Krylov A.S., Potseluyko A.M., Seredkin V.A., Zaitsev A.I., Zamkov A.V. Pulsed laser deposition of europium borate glass films and their optical and magneto-optical prop-erties Proc. of SPIE. – 2006. - V. 6161, Ñ. 61610A-1 - 61610A-7.
3Anshits N.N., Salanov A.N., Vereshchagina T.A., Kruchek D.M., Bajukov O.A., Tretyakov A.A., Revenko Yu.A., Anshits A.G. Composition, morphology, properties of coal fly ash microspheres and their application for conditioning liquid radioactive waste Int.J.Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, - 2006, - V.2, - No 1/2, - P.8-24.
4Aplesnin S.S., N.I. Piskunova Anomalies in magnetoresistance and in the bulk modulus for ferromagnetic with four spin exchange interaction on the Kondo latticeJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter, - 2006, - 18, - P. 6859.
5Arkhipkin V.G., Timofeev I.V. Temporal shape manipulation of intense laser pulses by coherent population trapping Phys.Rev. A 73, 025803 (2006).
6Aver’yanov E.M. The use of Chebyshev polynomials orthogonal on a finite arbitrary system of points for interpolating changes in nematic – isotropic liquid phase transitions temperatures in homologous series Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 2006, V.80, Suppl. 1, p. S122–S127.
7Bajukov O.A., Anshits N.N., Balaev A.D., O.M. Sharonova, Petrov M.I., Rabchevsky E.V., Anshits A.G. Mossbauer and Magnetic Study of Microspheres Extracted from Power Station Fly Ashes Phys. Met. Metallogr. Vol.102, Suppl.1, Chapter 11., S53-S56.
8Balaev A.D., Rabchevsky E.V., Anshits A.G., and Petrov M.I.Magnetic Properties of nanoparticles of cenosheres from Energetic Ashes Phys. Met. Metallogr. Vol.102, Suppl.1, Chapter 11., S49-S52.
9Balaev D.A, Popkov S.I., Shaihutdinov K.A., Petrov M.I.The mechanisms responsible for broadening of the resistive transition under magnetic field in the Josephson junction network realized in bulk YBCO + CuO compositesJPhysica C, Vol. 435 p.12-15 (2006).
10Bolsunovskaya O., Popov M., Petrakovskii G., Boehm M., Roessli B.Magnetic structure and elementary excitation spectra of copper metaborate JMMM, - 2006, - V. 300, ¹ 2, - P. e392-e394.
11Brand J., Kolovsky A.R. Emergence of superfluid transport in a dynamical system of ultra-cold atomsEur. Phys. J. D (DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2006-00226-8 (2006).
12Bulgakov E.N., Gopar V.A., Mello P.A., Rotter I.IStatistical study of the conductance and shot noise in open quantum-chaotic cavities: Contribution from whispering gallery modes Phys. Rev. B 73, 155302 (2006).
13Bulgakov E.N., Rotter I. Spectroscopic properties of large open quantum-chaotic cavities with and without separated time scales Phys. Rev. E 73, 066222 (2006).
14Bulgakov E.N., Rotter I., Sadreev A.F. Phase rigidity and avoided level crossings in the complex energy planeRev. E 74, No. 5 (2006).
15Bulgakov E.N., Pichugin K.N., Sadreev A.F., Rotter I. Bound states in the continuum in open Aharonov-Bohm rings Ïèñüìà â ÆÝÒÔ, 84, 508-513 (2006).
16Bulina N.V., Gromiko A.I., Bondarenko G.V., Marachevsky A.V., Chekanova L.A., Churilov G.N.About iron globules forming at cooling of iron-contained plasma. Metallography, 2006, Vol.102, ¹1, P.94-95.
17Burkov S.I., Sorokin B.P., Glushkov D.A., Aleksandrov K.S. Theory and computer simulation of the reflection and refraction of bulk acoustic waves in piezoelectrics under the action of an external electric field Crystallography Reports. – 2005. – V. 50, ¹6, Ñ. 986-993.
18Drokina T.V., Lisin V.V., Popova L.U., Balandina A.N., Bitekhtina M.A. The NMR investigation of the electromagnetic irradiation effects on bacteria Phys. Met. Metallogr. Vol.102, Suppl.1, P.S96.
19Edelman I.S., Ivantsov R.D., Ivanova O.S., Bayukov O.A., Zaikovskii V.V. Magnetic nanocomposites based on borate glasses doped with Fe and Mn Functional Materials, - 2006, - V.13, - No2, - P.1-7.
20Edelman I.S., Ivantsov R.D., Vasil’eva I.G., Vasil’ev A.D., Bayukov O.A., Ivanova O.S., Prokof’ev D.E., Stepanov S.A., Kornilova E.E., Zerubina T.V., Malakhov V.V., Zaikovskii V.A. Magnetic Nanoparticles in Oxide Glasses Physics of Metals and Metallography, - 2006, - V.102, - Suppl.1, - P.S2-S7.
21 Fausti D., Nugroho A. A., Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht, Klimin S. A., Popova M.N., Bezmaternykh L.N. Raman scattering from phonons and magnons in RFe3(BO3)4 Phys. Rev. B 74, 024403, 2006.
22Fischer P., Pomjakushin V., Sheptyakov D., Keller L., Janoschek M., Roessli B., Schefer J., Petrakovskii G., Bezmaternikh L., Temerov V., Velikanov D. Simultaneous antiferromagnetic Fe3+ and Nd3+ ordering in NdFe3(11BO3)4 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, - 2006, - V. 18, - P. 7975–7989.
23Gokhfeld D.M., Balaev D.A., Popkov S.I., Shaihutdinov K.A., Petrov M.I.Magnetization loop and critical currents of porous Bi-based HTS Physica C, Vol. 434 p.135-137 (2006).
24Gorev M., Bondarev V., Sciau Ph., Savariault J.-M. Heat capacity study of relaxors BaTi0.65Zr0.35O3 and BaTi0.60Zr0.40O3J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. – 2006. – V. 18, ¹17, Ñ. 4407-4416.
25Gunyakov V.A,. Parshin A.M., Shabanov V.F. Non–monotonic temperature dependence of the alignment of a nematic mixture on a ferroelectric substrate Liq. Cryst. Vol. 33 ¹ 6, p. 645–651 (2006).
26Gunyakov V.A,. Parshin A.M., Shabanov V.F. Temperature dependence of the effective anchoring energy for a nematic – ferroelectric interface Eur. Phys. J. E. Vol. 20, p. 467–473 (2006).
27Ignatchenko V. A., Felk V. A. Effects of long-wave in inhomogeneities of the exchange and elastic force constants in the framework of the coherent potential approximation Phys. Rev. B 74 p.174415-1-9 (2006).
28Isakova V., Petrakovskaja E., Isakov V., Bayukov O., Velikanov D. The research of powder fullerene and ultra-despersed diamond composites with metal and oxide nanoparicles The Physics of Metals and Metallography, V.102, Suppl.1, S57-S60 (2006).
29Iskhakov R.S., Frolov G.I., Zhigalov V.S., Prokof”ev D.E., Burkova L.V. From superparamagnetic to magnetically ordered state in Co-Sm-Î nanocrystalline films Physics of Metals and Metallography.-2006.-V.102.-Suppl.1.-P.S61-S63.
30GIskhakov R.S., Kuzovnikova L.A., Komogortsev S.V., Denisova E.A., Balaev A.D., Mal’tsev V.K., Bondarenko G.N. Magnetostructural Investigation of Ball-Milled Cobalt-Copper AlloyPhys. Met. Metallogr. Vol.102, Suppl.1, Chapter 11, ð.54-56.
31Kalinin D.V., Serdobintseva V.V., Plekhanov A.I., Shabanov V.F. Nanocrystallization of single crystal opal films and the spectral characteristics of related photonic structures Doklady Academii Nauk, V.51, No 11, p.591, 2006.
32Karpov S.V., Gerasimov V.S., Isaev I.L., Markel V.A. Spectroscopic Studies of Fractal Aggregates of Silver Nanospheres Undergoing Local Restructuring J. Chem. Phys. 125, 111101 (2006).
33Kazak N.V., Balaev A.D., Ovchinnikov S.G., Ivanova N.B., Rudenko V.V. Study of Fe1-xVxBO3 system magnetization JMMM 300, 1, 507-510 (2006).
34Kazak N.V., Potseluyko A.M., Ovchinnikov S.G., Alexandrovsky A.S., Chernov V.A., Rudenko V.V. EXAFS study of Fe1-xVxBO3 system Physica B, 379-380, 327-329 (2006).
35Kim P.D., Turpanov I.A. Stolyar S.V., Yushkov V.I., Khalyapin D.L. Co/Pt multilayer structures on he crystal MgO and Si substrate as a media for perpendicular magnetic recording The Physics of Metals and Metallography.-2006.-V.102.-Suppl.1.-P.S83-S85.
36Kliava J., Berger R., Edelman I., Potseluyko A., Petrakovskaja E., Zarubina T. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Gd3+ Clustering in the{xGd203-(1-x)(La203-Al203-B203-SiO2-GeO2)} Glasses The Physics of Metals and Metallography 102, Suppl.1, S39-S41 (2006).
37Kliava J., Malakhovskii M., Edelman I., Potseluyko A., Melnikova S., Petrakovskaja E., Zarubina T., Petrovskii G., Bruckental I., Yeshurun Y. Reply to “Comment on ,Unusual magnetic transitions and nature of magnetic resonance spectra in gadolinium-containing oxide glasses” Phis.Rev.B 74, 26404, (2006)
38Kliava J., Malakhovskii M., Edelman I., Potseluyko A., Petrakovskaja E., Bruckental I., Yeshurun Y.,Zarubina T. Unusual Magnetic PhaseTransitions in Gd3+ Clasters in Multicomponent Oxide Glasses. Journal of Superconductivity: Incorporating Novel Magnetism, 19, 412 (2006). DOI: 10.1007/s 10948-006-0116-412
39Kolovsky A.R. Persistent current of atoms in a ring optical lattice New J. Phys. 8, 197 (2006).
40Komogortsev S.V., Iskhakov R.S., Shayhutdinov K.A., Mal’tsev V.K., Okotrub A.V., Kudashov A.G., Shubin U.V. Magnetic properties of NixCo1-x Nanoparticles in Carbon Nanotubes Phys. Met. Metallogr. Vol.102, Suppl.1, Chapter 11, P.S67-S70.
41Korshunov M.M., Ovchinnikov S.G., Gavrichkov V.A., Nekrasov I.A., Pchelkina Z.V., Anisimov V.I. Application of the new LDA+GTB method for the band structure calculations of n-type cuprates Physica B 378-380, 459-460 (2006).
42Korshunov M.M., Ovchinnikov S.G., Sherman A.V. Spin fluctuation and spin-exciton mechanisms of superconductivity in Cuprates The Physics of Metals and Metallography 101, Suppl.1, S6–S9 (2006).
43Krotov S.S., Kadomtseva A.M., Popov Yu.F., Vorob’ev G.P., Kuvardin A.V., Kamilov K.I., Bezmaternykh L.N., Popova E.A. Magnetostriction and electric polarization anomalies in GdFe3(BO3)4 single crystals at phase transitions Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 300, Issue 1, May 2006, Pages e426-e429.
44Krylov A.S., Bulou A., Krylova S.N., Voronov V.N., Vtyurin A.N., Zamkova N.G. Symmetry analisis of calculated vabrational spestra of Rb2KScF6 crystal Comp. Mat. Science. – 2006. – V. 36, ¹1-2, C. 221-224.
45Krylov A.S., Gerasimova Y.V., Vtyurin A.N., Fokina V.D., Laptash N.M. Voyt E.I. A study of phase transitions in (NH4)3WO3F3 oxyfluoride by Raman scattering Phys. Stat. Sol. – 2006. – V. 243, ¹2, Ñ. 435-441.
46Kveglis L.I., Kuzovnicov A.V., Timofeev I.V. The Self-organisation of Tetrahedrally Close-Packed Structures in Magnetic Nanocrystalline Tb-Fe and Co-Pd films Solid State Phenomena, 115, 267-274 (2006).
47Lityaeva I.S., Bulina N.V., Petrakovskaya E.A., Marachevsky A.V., Zharkov S.M., Gedanken A., Churilov G.N. Iron-fullerene clusters. Fullerene, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures, 2006, Vol.14, ¹2-3, P.499-502.
48Madronero J., Ponomarev A., Carvalho A.R.R., Wimberger S., Viviescas C., Kolovsky A., Hornberger K., Schlagheck P., Krug A., Buchleitner A. Quantum chaos, transport, and control - In quantum optics Adv. in Atomic, mol. and opt. Phys. 53, 33-73 (2006).
49Maksimov D.N., Sadreev A.F. Bound states in elastic waveguides Phys. Rev. E 74, 16201-6 (2006).
50Mamalis D., Manolakos D.E., Kladas A.G., Koumoutsos A.K., Ovchinnikov S.G. Electromagnetic forming of aluminum alloy sheet using a grooved die: numerical modeling Phys. Met. Metallogr. Vol.102, Suppl.1, P.S90-S93.
51Martyanov O., Yudanov V., Lee R., Volkov N., Sablina K. A tool to investigate the spatial magnetic phase separation phenomena in manganites Phys. Stat. Sol. (RRL), - 2006, - 1–3.
52Martynov S., Petrakovskii G., Boehm M., Roessli M., Kulda J. Spin-wave spectrum of copper metaborate in the incommensurate phase T<10 K JMMM, - 2006, - V. 299, - ¹1, - P.75–81.
53Mushailov E.S., Kim P.D., Turpanov I.A., Bondarenko G.V., Mishina S.E. New magnetic crystal, metastable metallic alloys Co1?xCux, prepared at strongly non-equilibrium conditions Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2006, 301, P.438-444.
54Myagkov V.G., Zhigalov V.C.,Bykova L.E., Bondarenko G.N. Solid state synthesis and phase transformations in Ni/Fe films: structural and magnetic studies JMMM.-2006.-V.305(2).-P.334-545.
55Ovchinnikov S.G., Gavrichkov V.A., Korshunov M.M., Shneyder E.I. Electronic structure and electron-phonon interaction in the strongly correlated electron system of cuprates FNT 32, N4/5, 634-640 (2006)
56Ovchinnikov S.G. Magnetic collapse and electronic phase transitions at high pressure in transition metal oxides Journ. of Magn. and Magnet.Materials 300, 243 (2006).
57Ovchinnikov S.G., Shneyder E.I. Electron-phonon interaction in cuprates with T and T?-structure in strongly correlated limit Physica B 378-380, 451-452 (2006).
58Pankrats A., Petrakovskii G., Tugarinov V., Sablina K., Bezmaternykh L., Szymczak R., Baran M., Kundys B., Nabialek A. Magnetic phase diagram of copper metaborate CuB2O4 in magnetic field parallel to c-axis JMMM, - 2006, P. e388-e391.
59Parshin A.S., Lepeshev A.A., Rafaia D., Kalvoda L., Ovchinnikov S.G. Characterization of Si/Fe multiplayers by electron spectroscopy and smoll-angle x-ray scattering The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 101, Suppl. 1, S78-S80 (2006).
60Patrin G.S., Chan-Gyu Lee, Bon-Heun Koo, Keesam Shin. Peculiarities of temperature behavior of magnetization in Co/Ge/Co films Phys. Lett. A.- 2006.-V.359.-P.149-152.
61Patrin G.S., Lee C.-G., Turpanov I.A., Zharkov S.M., Velikanov D.A., Maltsev V.K., Li L.A., Lantsev V.V. Dependence of magnetic properties on ferromagnetic layer thickness in trilayer Co/Ge/Co films with granular semiconducting spacer JMMM, - 2006, - V. 306, - ¹2, - P.218–222.
62Patrin G.S., Vas’kovskii V.O. Magnetism of multilayer films in transition metal/semiconductor system The Physics of Metals and Metallography.-2006.-V.101.-Suppl.1.-P.S63-S66.
63Pchelkina Z.V., Kondakov D.E., Leonov I.V., Anisimov V.I., Gavrichkov V.A., Ovchinnikov S.G. Ab-initio calculation of the Parameters and Band Structure of the multiband p-d model for La2CuO4 The Physics of Metals and Metallography. 101, Suppl. 1, S13-S16 (2006).
64Petrakovskii G., Popov M., Zinenko V., Roessli B., Schefer J., Boehm M., Staub U. Effect of magnetic field on the magnetic state of copper metaborate. Smart Materials for Ranging Systems Math., Phys. and Chem. – 2006. – V. 226, C. 49-67.
65Petrakovskii G., Vorotynov A., Shiyan Y. Magnetic Resonance in Copper (II) BiS-[4-(2’ – Oxo – 3’ – 3’ – 3’ – Trifluoropropylidene) – 2,2,5,5 – Tetramethyl – 3 – Imidazoline – 1 – Oxyl] Cu(C10H13F3N2O2)2 The Phys. Met. Metallogr. – 2006, - V.101, Suppl.1, pp.90-93.
66Petrakovskii G.A., Sablina K.A., Udod L.V., Pankrats A.I., Velikanov D.A., Szymczak R., Baran M., Bondarenko G.V. Effect of Ni-substitution on magnetic phase transition in CuB2O4 JMMM, - 2006, - V. 300, - P. e476-478.
67Pol V.G., Pol S.V., Frydman A., Churilov G.N., Gedanken A. Fabrication and Magnetic Properties of Ni Nanospheres Encapsulated in a Fullerene-like Carbon. J. Phys. Chem B, 2005, Vol.109 (19), P.9495-9498.
68Ponomarev A.V., Kolovsky A.R. Dipole and Bloch oscillations of cold atoms in a parabolic lattice Laser Physics 16, 367 (2006).
69Ponomarev A.V., Madronero J., Kolovsky A.R.et al.Atomic current across an optical lattice Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 050404 (2006).
70Popov A.K., Slabko V.V., Shalaev V.M. Second harmonic generation in left-handed metamaterials Laser Phys.Lett. 1-5, (2006)/ DOI 10.1002/lapl. 200610008.
71Popova M.N., Chukalina E.P., Stanislavchuk T.N., Bezmaternykh L.N. Different types of magnetic ordering in RFe3(BO3)4, R=Gd, Tb, Er, and Y, as studied by the method of Er3+ spectroscopic probe Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 300, Issue 1, May 2006, Pages e440-e443.
72Romanova T., Krasnov P. Ab initio and post-ab initio quantum chemical study of the heme spin states in electron transfer reactions Chemical Physics Letters. ? 2006. ? ¹420. ? P.281–285.
73Sablina K.A., Udod L.V., Pankrats A.I., Velikanov D.A., Szymczak R., Baran M., G.V. Bondarenko. Effect of Ni-substitution on magnetic phase transition in CuBO Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2006, 300(1), e476-e478.
74Sadreev A.F., Bulgakov E.N., Rotter I. Bound states in the continuum in open quantum billiards with a variable shape Phys. Rev. B 73, 235342-5 (2006).
75Semenov A.P., Semenova I.A., Churilov G.N., Bulina N.V., Semenova A.A. Application of electron beam explosive evaporation of fullerenes in vacuum for thin films deposition Elektrotechnica & Elektronica. 2006. N 5-6. P. 158-160.
76Semenova I.A., Semenov A.P., Churilov G.N., Bulina N.V. Explosive evaporation of fullerenes by electron beam and ion beam sputtering in vacuum Èçâåñòèÿ âûñøèõ ó÷åáíûõ çàâåäåíèé. Ôèçèêà. 2006. ¹ 8. Ïðèëîæåíèå. Ñ. 421-424.
77Shaihutdinov K.A., Balaev D.A., Gokhfeld D.M., Kuzmin Yu.I., Popkov S.I., Petrov M.I. Study of current-voltage characteristics of Bi-based high-temperature superconductors with fractal cluster structure Physica C, Vol. 435 p.19-22 (2006).
78Strohmaier S.G., Eichler H.J., Alexandrov K.S., Bezmaternykh L.N., Gudim I.A., Kaminskii A.A. Pb3Ga2Ge4O14:Nd3+ crystal - a novel nonlinear laser material Phys. Status sol. A, 202, ¹ 10 (2005), p. 111-112.
79Tsymbal L.T., Bazaliy Ya.B., Bezmaternykh L.N., Slawska-Waniewska A., Vasiliev S.V., Nedelko N., Linnik A.I., Cherkasov A.N., Nepochatykh Yu.I., Dmitrenko V.Yu., Kakazey G.N., Wigen P.E. Orientation phase transition in Fe3BO6: Experimental determinationof the order of the transition Phys.Rew. B – 2006 – V.74, ¹13, ð.134429- 1-6.
80Udod L. V., Sablina K. A., Ivanov Yu. N., Petrakovskii G. A., Koretz A. Ya, and Bovina A. F. IR and NMR Spectra of the Crystalline and Amorphous Magnetic CuB2O4 The Physics of Metals and Metallography, Vol. 100, Suppl. 1, 2005, pp. S39–S41.
81Val’kov V.V., Dzebisashvili D.M. Canted phase of an antiferromagnetic Anderson lattice Physica B: Condensed matter, 2006, Vol. 378-380, p.692-693.
82Val'kov V.V., Golovnya A.A. The influence of the spin-fermion scattering on the critical temperature of high temperature superconductors Uzb. J. Phys. (2006) Vol. 8, No 4-5, pp.269-282.
83Val'kov V.V., Golovnya A.A., Dzebisashvili D.M. The role of anomalous strength operator in the high-Tc superconductivity Physica B 378-380 (2006), 465-466.
84Vasiliev A.N., Popova E.A., Bezmaternykh L.N., Temerov V.L., Hiroi Z. Specific Heat of YFe3(BO3)4, Y0,5Gd0,5Fe3(BO3)4, and GdFe3(BO3)4 ÆÝÒÔ, ò. 129, ¹ 2 (2006), ñòð. 299-302 (JETP, v. 102, is. 2 (2006), p. 262-265).
85Vasiliev A.N., Popova E.A., Gudim I.A., Bezmaternykh L.N., Hiroi Z. Heat capacity of rare-earth ferroborates RFe3(BO3)4 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 300, Issue 1, May 2006, Pages e382-e384.
86Vasilovsky S.G., Sikolenko V.V., Beskrovny A.I., Belushkin A.V., Flerov I.N., Tressaud A., Balagurov A.M. Neutron diffraction studies of temperature induced phase transition in Rb2KFeF6 elpasolite Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie. – 2006. – Suppl. 23, C. 467-474.
87Volkov N., Petrakovskii G., Boni P., Clementyev E., Patrin K., Sablina K., Eremin E., Vasiliev V. Magnetic and transport properties of (La0.4Eu0.6)0.7Pb0.3MnO3 single crystal: the key role of intrinsic inhomogeneity JMMM, - 2006, - V. 300/1, - P.e179-e182.
88Volkov N., Petrakovskii G., Patrin K., Sablina K., Eremin E., Vasiliev V., Vasiliev A. and Molokeev M. Intrinsic inhomogeneity in a (La0.4Eu0.6)0.7Pb0.3MnO3 single crystal: Magnetization, transport and electron magnetic resonance studies Physical Review B, - 2006. - V.73 (10). - P.104401-1 – 104401-10.
89Vtyurin A.N., Goryainov S.V., Zamkova N.G., Zinenko N.I., Krylov A.S., Krylova S.N. Structural properties and lattice dynamics of RbMnCl3 crystal Comp. Mat. Science. – 2006. – V. 36, ¹1-2, C. 79-83.
90Vtyurin A.N., Isaenko L.I., Krylova S.N., Yeliseev A., Shebanin A.P., Zamkova N.G. Vibrational spectra of KPb2Cl5 and KPb2Br5 crystals Comp. Mat. Science. – 2006. – V. 36, ¹1-2, C. 212-216.
91Yen F., Lorenz B., Sun Y.Y., Chu C.W., Bezmaternykh L.N., Vasiliev A.N. Magnetic field effect and dielectric anomalies at the spin reorientation phase transition of GdFe3(BO3)4 Phys. Rev. B 73, 054435, 2006.
92Yoo Y.-G., Yu S.-Ch., Kim P.D., Mahlaev A.M., Khalyapin D.L. The study of exchange coupling in NiFe/Cu/IrMn trilayer structures by MOKE and FMR measurements JMMM.-2006.-V.304.-P.62-64.


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