Ñòàòüè îïóáëèêîâàííûå â çàðóáåæíûõ æóðíàëàõ â 2010 ã.
1. Abramova G.M., Petrakovskii G.A., Vtyurin A.N., Rasch J. C. E., Krylov A.S., Gerasimova J.V., Velikanov D.A., Boehm M., and Sokolov V. Anomalous Raman Phenomenon of CuCrS2 // J. of Raman Spectroscopy. 2010. V.41, issue 12, pp.1485--1488.
2. Abramova G.M., Pankrats A.I., Petrakovskii G.A., Rasch J.C.E, Boehm M., Vorotynov A.M., Tugarinov V.I., Szumszak R., Bovina A.F., Vasil’ev V. Electron Spin Resonance in CuCrS2 Chrome-Copper Disulphides synthesized by different methods // J. Appl. Phys. 2010. V. 107. pp. 093914-093916.
3. Abramova G.M., Petrakovskii G.A., Bayukov O.A., Bovina A.F., and Sokolov V.V. Structure and Mossbauer Studies of Manganese Monosulfide Solid Solutions MxMn1?xS (M = Cr, Fe) // Physics of the Solid State, 2010. V. 52. ¹ 1. pp. 91-95.
4. Adem U., Wang L., Fausti D., Schottenhamel W., P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, Vasiliev A.D., Bezmaternykh L.N., Buchner B., Hess C., and Klingeler R. Magnetodielectric and Magnetoelastic Coupling in TbFe3(BO3)4 // Phys. Rev. B. 2010. V.82. P. 064406.
5. Aleksandrova I.P., Ivanov Yu.N., Bondarev V.S., Sukhovskiy A.A., Voronov V.N., Calorimetric and 23Na MAS NMR Study of the Phase Diagram of NaNb1-xTaxO3 Solid Solutions // Functional materials, 2010. V. 17, P. 18-24.
6. Aleksandrovsky A.S., Vyunyshev A.M., Zaitsev A.I., Slabko V.V. Random quasi-phase-matched conversion of broadband radiation in a nonlinear photonic crystal // Phys. Rev. A. – 2010. – V.82 – P.055806.
7. Aleksandrovsky A.S., Gudim I.A., Krylov A.S., Malakhovskii A.V., Temerov V.L. Up-Conversion Luminescence of YAl3(BO3)4:(Yb3+,Tm3+) Crystals // J. Alloys and Compounds, 2010. V. 496. P.L18 - L21.
8. Aleksandrovsky A.S., Vyunishev A.M., Zaitsev A.I., Rovsky V.E, Slabko V.V., Cherepakhin. A.V. Nonlinear Photonic Crystals of Strontium Tetraborate: Properties and Conversion of Radiation // Proc. SPIE, 2010. V.7728. P.772819-1 – 772819-8.
9. Aplesnin S.S., Ryabinkina L.I., Romanova O.B., Har'kov A.M., Gorev M.V., Balaev A.D., Eremin E.V., Bovina A.F., The Magnetoelastic Effect in CoxMn1-xS Solid Solutions // Solid State Communications, 2010, V. 150, nos. 13-14, pp. 564-567.
10. Arbuzov A.B., Barbashov B.M., Nazmitdinov R.G., Pervushin V.N., Borowiec A., Pichugin K.N., Zakharov A.F., Conformal Hamiltonian Dynamics of General Relativity // Phys. Lett. B. 2010, V. 691, P. 230-233.
11. Argyriou D.N., Hiess A., Akbari A., Eremin I., Korshunov M.M., Hu Jin, Qian Bin, Qiu Yiming Zhiqiang, Broholm Collin, Bao W., Incommensurate Itinerant Antiferromagnetic Excitations and Spin Resonance in the FeTe0.6Se0.4 Superconductor // Phys. Rev. B 81. – 2010. – 220503R.
12. Atuchin V.V., Gavrilova T.A., Kesler V.G., Molokeev M.S., Aleksandrov K.S. Low-Temperature Synthesis and Properties of Ferroelectric K3WO3F3 Elpasolite // Chemical Physics Letters, 2010, 493, pp. 83-86.
13. Atuchin V.V., Gavrilova T.A., Kesler V.G., Molokeev M.S., Aleksandrov K.S. Structural and Electron Parameters of Ferroelectric K3WO3F3 // Solid State Communications, 2010, 150, pp. 2085-2088.
14. Avramov P.V., Minami S., Irle S., Chernozatonskii L.A., Morokuma K., Atomic Structure and Energetic Stability of Complex Chiral Silicon Nanowires // J. Phys. Chemistry C, 114. – 2010. – 14692-14696.
15. Balaev D.A., Popkov S.I., Semenov S.V., Bykov A.A., Shaykhutdinov K.A., Gokhfeld D.M., and Petrov M.I., Magnetoresistance Hysteresis of Bulk Textured Bi1.8Pb0.3Sr1.9Ca2Cu3Ox + Ag Ceramics and its Anisotropy // Physica C, 2010, V. 470, P.61-67.
16. Belyaev B.A., Leksikov A.A., Serzhantov A.M., Tyurnev V.V. Miniature Suspended-Substrate Band Pass Filter // Progress in Electromagnetics Research C. – 2010. – Vol. 15. – P. 219-231.
17. Bobrov P.P., Mironov V.L., Kondratyeva O.V. and Repin A.V. The Effect of Clay and Organic Matter Content on the Dielectric Permittivity of Soils and Grounds at the Frequency Range From 10 Mhz to 1 Ghz //Proceedings IGARSS. 2010. Pp. 4433-4435.
18. Bobrov P.P., Mironov V.L., YashchenkoA.S. Diurnal Dynamics Radiobrightness Temperature of Soil on the Frequency 1.4 and 6.9 GHz in the Processes of Freezing/Thawing // Proc. IGARSS. 2010. Pp. 4477-4479.
19. Bukhtiyarova G.A., Mart’yanov O.N., Yakushkin S.S., Shuvaeva M.A., Bayukov O.A. State of iron in nanoparticles prepared by impregnation of silica gel and aluminium oxide with FeSO4 solutions // Phys. Solid State, 2010, V. 52, ¹ 4, P. 826-837.
20. Bulgakov E.N., Sadreev A.F., Bound States in Photonic Fabry-Perot Resonator Comprised of Two Nonlinear Off-Channel Defects // Pis’ma v ZhETF, 2009, Ò.90, Ñ.842-847.
21. Bulgakov E.N., Sadreev A.F., Bound States in Photonic Fabry-Perot Resonator with Nonlinear Off-Channel Defects // Phys. Rev. B., 2010, V.81, P.115128-12.
22. Chaudhury R. P., Lorenz B., and Sun Y. Y., Bezmaternykh L.N. and Temerov V.L., C. W. Chu, Magnetic Phase Diagram and Magnetoelectric Properties of Ho0:25Nd0:75Fe3(BO3)4// J. Appl. Phys., 2010. V.107, P. 09D913.
23. Chaudhury R. P., Lorenz B., Sun Y. Y., Bezmaternykh L. N., Temerov V. L., and C. W. Chu, Magnetoelectricity and Magnetostriction due to the Rare-Earth Moment in TmAl3(BO3)4 // Phys. Rev. B, 2010, V.81. P. 220402.
24. Chukalina E.P., Popova M.N., Bezmaternykh L.N., Gudim I.A., Spectroscopic Study of the Magnetic Ordering in SmFe3(BO3)4 // Phys. Lett. A. 2010, V. 374, PP. 1790-1792.
25. Churilov G.N., Osipova I.V., Novikov P.V., Lopatin V. A., Krylov A.S., Tomashevic Ye. V., Petrakovskaya E.A. Influence of Acoustic and Magnetic Fields on the Formation of Fullerenes and Nanotubes in Carbon-Helium High-Frequency Plasma under Atmospheric Pressure // Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2010. V. 18, nos. 04-06, P. 584–589.
26. Demidenko O.F., Makovetskii G.I., Yanushkevich K.I., Aplesnin S.S., Ryabinkina L.I., Romanova O.B., Magnetic Properties of MnSe1-xTex Solid Solutions // J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 2010, V. 200, P. 062004.
27. Dovbysh I.A., Tyurnev V.V., Synthesis and Investigation of Three-Section Microstrip Filter on Folded Dual-Mode Stepped-Impedance Resonators // Progress in Electromagnetic Research M. – 2010. – V. 12. – P. 17–28.
28. Edelman I.S., Velikanov D.A., Chernichenko A.V., Marushchenko D.A., Eremin E.V., Turpanov I.A., Bondarenko G.V., Greben’kova Yu.E., Patrin G.S., Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties of Ni–Ge Layered Films // Physica E 42. – 2010. – 2301–2306.
29. Ekimov A.A., Krylov A.S., Vtyurin A.N., Ivanenko A.A. and Shestakov N.P., Vibrational Spectroscopy Studies of Temperature Phase Transitions in K3WO3F3 // Ferroelectrics, 2010, V. 401, No. 1, P. 168-172.
30. Epov M.I., Mironov V.L., Muzalevskiy K.V., Yeltsov I.N., UWB Electromagnetic Borehole Logging Tool // Proc. IGARSS, 2010, Pp. 3565-3567.
31. Gavrichkov V.A., Ovchinnikov S.G., Pchelkina Z.V., Nekrasov I., Quasiparticle in CMR Oxides in Para- and Ferromagnetic Phases // JPCM(CS), 200. – 2010. – 1. 012046.
32. Gavrilyuk A.P., Karpov S.V., Dynamic Changes of Optical Characteristics of Resonant Domains in Metal Nanoparticle Aggregates under Pulsed Laser Fields // Appl. Phys. B, 2010, V.101. - P. 512.
33. Gokhfeld D.M., Balaev D.A., Popkov S.I., Shaykhutdinov K.A., Petrov M.I. Asymmetry of Magnetization Curves of Textured BSCCO // Physica C, 2010, 470, S870–S872.
34. Gorev M.V., Bogdanov E.V., Flerov I.N., Laptash N.M., Barocaloric Effects in Oxyfluorides Rb2KTiOF5 and (NH4)2NbOF5 // Ferroelectrics, 2010, V.397, N 1, pp. 76 – 80.
35. Gorev M.V., Bogdanov E.V., Flerov I.N., Laptash N.M. Thermal Expansion, Phase Diagrams and Caloric Effects in (NH4)2NbOF5 // J.Phys. Condens. Matter, 2010, V.22, pp. 185901-185908.
36. Gudim I.A., Eremin E.V., Temerov V.L., Flux Growth and Spin Reorientation in Trigonal Nd1-xDyxFe3(BO3)4 Single Crystals” // J. Cryst. Growth, 2010, V. 312, P. 2427–2430.
37. Hamann-Borrero J. E., Philipp M., Kataeva O., Zimmermann M. V., Geck J., Klingeler R., Vasiliev A., Bezmaternykh L.N., Buchner B., and Hess C., Nonresonant X-ray Magnetic Scattering on Rare-Earth Iron Borates RFe3(BO3)4 // Phys. Rev. B, 2010, V. 82, P. 094411.
38. Ignatchenko V.A., Edelman I.S., and Petrov D.A., Magnetostatic Fields in Planar Assemblies of Magnetic Nanoparticles // Phys. Rev. B 81. – 2010. – 054419.
39. Ishchenko L.A., Stolyar S.V., Ladygina V.P., Iskhakov R.S. et al., Magnetic Properties and Application of Biomineral Particles Produced by Bacterial Culture // Phys. Procedia, Vol. 9, 2010, pp. 279-282
40. Janoschek M., Fisher P., Roessli B., Meven M., Petrakovskii G.A., Bezmaternikh L., Single Magnetic Chirality in the Magnetoelectric NdFe3(BO3)4 // Phys. Rev. B. 2010. 81. P.094429.
41. Kartashev A.V., Flerov I.N., Volkov N.V., Sablina K.A. Heat Capacity and Magnetocaloric Effect in Manganites (La1-yEuy)0.7Pb0.3MnO3 (y: 0.2; 0.6) // JMMM. 2010. V. 322. pp. 622-627.
42. Kliava J., Edelman I.S., Ivanova O.S., Ivantsov R.D., Petrakovskaya E.A., Hennet L., Thiaudiered D., and Saboungi M.-L., Electron Magnetic Resonance and Magnetooptical Studies of Nanoparticle-Containing Borate Glasses // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2010. DOI:10.1016/j.jmmm.2010.09.045.
43. Korshunov M.M., Zakharova E.V., Nekrasov I.A., Pchelkina Z.V., and Ovchinnikov S.G., The Fermi Surface and the Role of Electronic Correlations in Sm2-xCexCuO4 // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22. – 2010. – 015701.
44. Kolovsky A.R., Bright Solitons and Self-Trapping with a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Atoms in Driven Tilted Optical Lattices // Phys. Rev. A. 2010. V.82 P.011601-4(R).
45. Kolovsky A.R., Gomez E.A., and Korsch H.J. Bose-Einstein Condensates on Tilted Lattices: Coherent, chaotic, and subdiffusive dynamics // Phys. Rev. A. 2010. V.81. P.025603-4.
46. Korets A., Krylov A.S. and Mironov E., Structural Heterogeneity of Diamond-Containing Detonation Material // European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 2010. V. 52, No. 10. P. 10901-10905.
47. Korshunov M.A. and Shabanov V.F., Size Effects on Dynamics of a PDibromobenzene Lattice // Nanotechnologies in Russia. 2010. V. 5, Nos. 1-2. P. 73–77.
48. Lawrence, H., Demontoux, F., Wigneron, J.-P., Mialon, A., Tzong-Dar Wu, Mironov V.L., Liang Chen, Jianchen Shi, and Kerr, Y., L-Band Emission of Rough Surfaces: Comparison between Experimental Data and Different Modeling Approaches // Proc. Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad). 2010. Pp. 27 – 32.
49. Lin Y.-T., Chang W.-Y., Wu C.-Y., Zyryanov V.Ya., and Lee W., Optical Properties of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal with a Twisted-Nematiñ Defect Layer // Optics Express, 2010. V. 18, No 26. P. 26959-26964.
50. Malakhovskii A.V., Valiev U.V., Edelman I.S., Sokolov A.E., Chesnokov I.Yu., Gudim I.A., Magneto-Optical Activity and Luminescence of f-f Transitions in Trigonal Crystal TmAl3(BO3)4 // Optical Materials 32. – 2010. – 1017–1021.
51. Mironov V.L., De Roo R.D., and Savin I.V., Temperature-Dependable Microwave Dielectric Model for an Arctic Soil // IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2010. V. 48. No. 6. Pp. 2544-2556.
52. Mironov V.L., De Roo R.D. , and Savin I.V., The Process of Unfrozen Water Freezing with Decreasing Temperature Studied by Dielectric Measurement in the Case of an Arctic Soil // Proc. IGARSS. 2010. Pp. 4423-4425.
53. Mironov V.L., Kerr Y., Wigneron J.-P., Kosolapova L.G., Demontoux F., and Duffour Ñ., Statistical Error for the Moistures Retrieved with the SMOS Radiobrightness Data, as Induced by Imperfectness of a Dielectric Model Used // Proc. IGARSS. 2010. P. 4430-4432.
54. Mironov V.L., Kerr Y., Wigneron J.-P., Kosolapova L.G., Demontoux F., and Duffour Ñ. Error of Moistures Retrieved From åhe Smos Radiobrightnesses, Being Induced by a Soil Dielectric Model Employed // Èçâåñòèÿ âóçîâ. Ôèçèêà. 2010. Ò. 53. ¹9/3.Ñ. 317-320.
55. Mironov V.L., Suhovskiy A.A., Lukin Yu.I., and Aleksandrova I.P., The Maximum Bound Water Content Measurement by Dielectric and NMR Technique // Proc. IGARSS. 2010. Pp. 4474-4476.
56. Myagkov V.G., Bykova L.E. , Solovyov L.A. Fourfold In-Plane Magnetic Anisotropy in Epitaxial Fe(110)/Cu(001) and Fe(110)/Ni(001) Bilayers // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2010. V. 322. P. 1715 - 1719.
57. Ovchinnikov S.G., Korshunov M.M., and Shneyder E.I., Effect of Lifshitz Quantum Phase Transitions of the Normal and Superconducting States in Cuprates // Ukr. J. Phys., 55. – 2010. – N1. – 55-64.
58. Ovchinnikov S.G. and Shneyder E.I., The Interplay of Phonon and Magnetic Mechanism of Pairing in Strongly Correlated Electron System of High-Tc Cuprates // J. Supercond Nov. Magn. 23. – 2010. – ¹5. – 733-736.
59. Patrin G.S., Beletsky V.V., Velikanov D.A., and Yurkin G.Yu. Magnetic Properties of FeSi with Co Impurities // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2010. 200. P.062021 (1-4).
60. Patrusheva T.N., Polyakova K.P., Seredkin V.A., Komogortsev S.V., Patrushev V.V., and Patrin G.S. Nanosize Magnetic Films and Powders Prepared by Extraction-Pyrolysis Technique // J. Mater. Sci. Engin. 2010. V.4. No.2. P.19-25.
61. Pogoreltsev E.I., Flerov I.N., and Laptash N.M., Dielectric Properties and Phase Transitions in Some Oxyfluorides with the MeOxF6-x (x = 1, 2, 3) Anion in Structure // Ferroelectrics. 2010. V.401. pp. 207 – 210.
62. Popov A.K., Myslivets S.A., and Shalaev V.M., Coherent Nonlinear-optical Energy Transfer and Backward-wave Optical Parametric Generation in Negative-index Metamaterials // Phys. B-Condenced Matter, 2010. V. 405. P. 2999–3002.
63. Popov Yu.F., Pyatakov A.P., Kadomtseva A. M., Vorob’ev G. P., Zvezdin K., Mukhin A. A., Ivanov V.Yu., and Gudim I.A., Peculiarities in the Magnetic, Magnetoelectric, and Magnetoelastic Properties of SmFe3(BO3)4 Multiferroic // J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 2010. Vol. 111. PP. 199–203 (ÆÝÒÔ. 2010. 138. No. 2. C. 226–230).
64. Popova E.A., Vasiliev A.N., Temerov V.L., Bezmaternykh L.N., Tristan N., Klingeler R., and B?uchner B., Magnetic and Specific Heat Properties of YFe3(BO3)4 and ErFe3(BO3)4 // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2010. V. 22. P. 116006.
65. Ritter C., Vorotynov A.M., Pankrats A.I., Petrakovskii G.A., Temerov V.L., Gudim I.A., and Szymczak R. Magnetic Structure in Iron Borates RFe3(BO¬)4 (R = Er, Pr): a Neutron Diffraction and Magnetization Study // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2010. V.22. P.206002.
66. Romanova O.B., Ryabinkina L.I., Sokolov V.V., Pichugin A.Yu., Velikanov D.A., Balaev D.A., Galyas A.I., Demidenko O.F., Makovetskii G.I., and Yanushkevich K.I. Magnetic Properties and the Metal-Insulator Transition in GdXMn1-XS Solid Solutions // Solid State Comm. 2010. 150. p.602-604.
67. Sapronova N.V., Balaev A.D., Sablina K.A., Volkov N.V., and Vasiliev A.D. Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of MnGeO3 Single Crystals with Orthorhombic Structures // J. Phys.: Conference Series. 2010. V.200. P.032064.
68. Shaykhutdinov K.A., Popkov S.I., Balaev D.A., Semenov S.V., Bykov A.A., Dubrovskiy A.A., Sapronova N.V., and Volkov N.V., Non-Linear Current–Voltage Characteristics of (La0.5Eu0.5)0.7Pb0.3MnO3 Single Crystals: Possible Manifestation of the Internal Heating of Charge Carriers // Physica B. 2010. V. 405, ISS.24. P. 4961-4965.
69. Shaykhutdinov K.A., Popkov S.I., Semenov S.V., Balaev D.A., Dubrovskiy A.A., Sablina K.A., and Volkov N.V. Low-Temperature Resistivity of Polycrystalline (La0.5Eu0.5)0.7Pb0.3MnO3 in a Magnetic Field // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2010. V.200. P.052025.
70. Slabko V.V., Volova T.G., Krasnov P.O., Kuzubov A.A., and Shishatskaya E.I., Surface Modification of Bioresorbable Polymer Scaffolds by Laser Treatment // Biophysics, 55. – 2010. – N2. – 2010. – 234–238.
71. Sorokin P.B., Chernozatonskii L.A., Avramov P.V., and Yakobson B.I., Magnesium Boride Nanotubes: Relative Stability and Atomic and Electronic Structure // J. Phys. Chem. C, 114. – 2010. – 4852-4856.
72. Sorokin P.B., Kvashnin A.G., Kvashnin D.G., Filicheva J.A., Avramov P.V., Fedorov A.S., and Chernozatonskii L.A., Theoretical Study of Atomic Structure and Elastic Properties of Branched Silicon Nanowires // CS Nano, ACS Nano 4. – 2010. – N5. – 2010. – 2784-2790.
73. Sorokin P.B., Kvashnin D.G., Kvashnin A.G., Avramov P.V., and Chernozatonskii L.A., Theoretical Study of Elastic Properties of SiC Nanowires of Different Shapes // Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10. – 2010. – 4992-4997.
74. Sukhachev A.L., Malakhovskii A.V., Edelman I.S., Zabluda V.N., Temerov V.L., and Makievskii I.Ya., Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Yb3+ Ions in Huntite Structure // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322. – 2010. – 25–29.
75. Tomilin F.N., Antipina L.U., Eremeeva E.V., Ovchinnikov S.G., and Vysotski E.S., Quantum Chemical Study of Mechanism of Active Photoprotein Generation // Luminescence 25. – 2010. – N2. – 210-211.
76. Tyurnev V.V., Coupling Coefficients of Resonators in Microwave Filter Theory // Progress in Electromagnetic Research B. – 2010. – V. 21. – P. 47–67.
77. Udovenko A.A., Vasiliev A.D., and Laptash N.M., Orientational Disorder and Phase Transitions in Crystals of Dioxofluoromolybdate, (NH4)2MoO2F4 // Acta Cryst. – 2010. – B66. – pp. 34-39.
78. Val’kov V.V. and Korovushkin M.M., The Intersite Interactions in the Problem of Energy Structure of the Strongly Correlated Electron Systems // Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 2010. V. 200. P. 012094.
79. Val’kov V.V. and Golovnya A.A., Spin Fluctuation Renormalizations of Normal and Superconducting State Properties in t-J*-Model // JPCS. 2010. V. 200. P. 012050.
80. Val’kov V.V. and Dzebisashvili D.M., Spin Fluctuation Processes in the Problem of s-Wave Superconducting Phase of the Heavy-Fermion Intermetallides // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2010. V. 200. P. 012030.
81. Val’kov V.V., Shklyaev A.A., and Barabanov A.F., The Effect of Spin Correlations on a Superconducting Phase of the Spin Polarons in 2D Kondo Lattice // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2010. V. 200. P. 012217.
82. Vasiliev A.D., Cherepakhin A.V., and Zaitsev A.I., The Trigonal Polymorph of Strontium Tetraborate, ?-SrB4O7 // Acta Cryst. 2010. E. 66. – i 48.
83. Volkov N.V., Eremin E.V., Patrin G.S., Kim P.D., Yu Seong-Cho, Dong Hyun Kim, and Nguyen Chau, Current Channel Switching in the Manganite-Based Multilayer Structure // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2010. 200. P.052031 (1-4).
84. Volkov N.V., Eremin E.V., Sablina K.A., and Sapronova N.V., Dielectric Properties of a Mixed-Valence Pb3Mn7O15 Manganese Oxide // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2010. V.22. P.375901.
85. Voronov V.N., Petrakovskaya E.A., and Alexandrovskaya A.V., EPR Study of Solid Solutions Based on the Compound ScF3 // Functional Materials, 2010, V. 17, no. 3, pp. 324-328.
86. Vtyurin A.N., Gerasimova J.V., Krylov A.S., Ivanenko A.A., Shestakov N.P., Laptash N.M., and Voyt E.I., Vibrational Spectroscopy of Alkaline Tungsten Oxyfluoride Crystals: Structure, Lattice Dynamics, Ordering Processes, and Phase Transitions // J. Raman Spectroscopy, 2010, v. 41, No. 12, 1494–1501.
87. Zagainova V.S., Makarova T.L., Okotrub A.V., Kurenya A.G., Komogortsev S.V., and Bulusheva L.G., Magnetic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes with Low Content of Fe // Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures. 2010. V. 18. P. 569–573.
88. Zhandun V.S. and Zinenko V.I., Lattice Dynamics and Spontaneous Polarization Calculation of Disorder Solid Solution Thin Ferroelectric Film // Ferroelectrics. 2010. V.400. pp. 45 – 53.
89. Zyryanov V.Ya., Myslivets S.A., Gunyakov V.A., Parshin A.M., Arkhipkin V.G., Shabanov V.F., and Wei Lee, Magnetic-Field Tunable Defect Modes in a Photonic-Crystal/Liquid-Crystal Cell // Optics Express. 2010. V. 18, No 2. P. 1283-1288.